Church Choir
If you're somebody who likes to sing in the shower or in the car, or has a tune in your head for much of the day, we'd like to encourage you to consider joining our church choir. You don't need a solo voice, but if you think you'd enjoy singing, we'd love for you to give the choir experience a try. We like to think we have a close-knit group, almost like family, within the choir. We practice at 9:00 every Sunday morning, during the fall, winter and early spring months. One of the highlights of our year is the annual Palm Sunday multi-choir performance in Adel which brings together church choirs from throughout Dallas County. Singing in choir is a great way to praise God and enhance the worship service for others! If you have questions, call Harold Hill at 677-2389 or talk to one of the choir members.
Sunday School Classes
In 1943 an Adult Sunday School class was founded and, except a few blizzards, has met continuously since. The group meets each Sunday at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall. A variety of materials are used to delve into the Bible.
The Children's Sunday School class typically meets during the school year. Children in pre-K thru 5th grade learn their Bible stories through play, song, recitation and art. Covid has prevented us from meeting this year, however we hope to meet again this fall.
The Children's Sunday School class typically meets during the school year. Children in pre-K thru 5th grade learn their Bible stories through play, song, recitation and art. Covid has prevented us from meeting this year, however we hope to meet again this fall.
Tween Teen Girl Group
Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, this group is open to all Middle and High School girls in the Minburn community. Middle School meets from 6-7pm and High School meets from 7-8pm. Contact Cari Fuller at [email protected] for more info.
Vacation Bible School
Youth from Minburn join youth from a variety of churches in Adel and Desoto for an Ecumenical Vacation Bible School. Generally held in June, the theme varies each year. Children who were at least 4 years-old on January 1 and who have just finished 5th grade are invited to attend. They have also added a Middle School program. Older youth and adults from Minburn UMC volunteer their time as helpers and leaders.
Wednesday Club
All kids age 4 years old through 5th grade are invited to attend. Wednesday Club is held each Wednesday (during the school year), starting at 5:45 pm with a free evening meal followed by crafts, music and lessons and ends at 7:00 pm. Each year the children present a Christmas program and participate in a mission project. Please contact the office at 515-677-2254 for session start and end dates.
Women's Bible Study
Women from throughout the Minburn area meet for fellowship, support and education through the study of the Bible. The group meets on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 pm. Please contact the church office at 515-677-2254 for session dates and current study.